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On Monday Microsoft will announce that the 2007 Microsoft Office system products have been released to manufacturing (RTM). This gold code milestone concludes the largest Office beta program to date, with more than 3.5 million people downloading Beta 2. RTM also marks a critical step toward worldwide business availability of the 2007 Office system, Windows Vista and Exchange Server 2007 on Nov. 30, 2006.

Windows Vista build 6000.16386.061101-2205 is 99% RTM only a few managers that need to sign of the code are left.

Posted by Steven Parker on 06 November 2006 - 13:23
츨처 : neowin.net

Vista와 오피스 2007, exchange 2007이 동시에 발표 된다고 하네요....마이크로 소프트의 비지니스 제품라인이 통째로 버젼업을 하는군요...머리 아픔니다....

RTM이 이미 배포되었다는 뉴스도 있기는 한데....언제나 그랬듯이..나와 봐야 알겠죠.....일럴땐 성격 급한게..단점인듯....^^